
Archive for September, 2011

New Work

This weekend helped to spurn an evaluation of Jordan and i’s current life situaion along with discussion on future goals for us. Long story short, the goal is to NOT travel so much to allow us more time at home so we can garden, keep bees, raise chickens, grow rabbits, etc… The goal is Sustainability, and that cannot happen when we are out on the road for 2 weeks out of every month. SO, this inspired me to get my butt crackin’ on some new random illustrations to work out problems such as backgrounds and process. Here are some of those successes :)

just some owls chillin'. i really like how the background turned out on this one


i think my favorite part is the tree

I am hoping to have new business cards up and running soon, some that will match the look i want to go for with my website. Oh! and the website is up and running, just the first draft but atleast there is something there.

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Thanks to the internet and friendly discussions, my husband and i were talked into purchasing an amazing game called Minecraft. Minecraft is a 32 bit game world filled of crafting and mining fun while also including the peril of nightmarish nighttime creatures, horrifying pitfalls, and a butt load of spiders when least expected. The game has taken our lives for the past week, but not without its entertaining upsides. The first of those being that you can create worlds and homes that could only be imagined possible with legos except that most of the laws of physics don’t apply to you. The second great aspect of it is easily being able to create your own character. Jordan purchased an app that helps by separating the body parts for you, but you can also download a template and go from there. Of course, i HAD to make one or two, starting with myself of course because there is nothing better than staring at myself building and mining. The second most natural course was to create a Futurama character. If anyone would like these skins, i can post them for download, but for now, these are screen shots of the characters from my computer.

Of course i'm barefoot

Terrain-ga Leela

She's ready to boldy go.....places

Leela in her home

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