
Posts Tagged ‘tv’

Jordan and i are busy getting our minds blown today by the amount of people who have already backed his book on Kickstarter!  We noticed that one of the backers came from someone who visited my blog, and to that person, i thank you.  It’s only been two days and we are already out of his hand bound books, with the exception of the ones saved for the highest backers.  Needless to say, our faith in humanity has been restored.  Plus, he is amazing and completely deserves this moment in the spotlight. I will continue to give you all updates as the project continues and I hope that if you haven’t at least visited his Kickstarter page, go there and enjoy looking at the pictures and please like and share if you feel so inclined (or maybe even back the project if you feel like it)!

Alright, alright, i’ll shush about the project for now.  I just know you’ll be sick of hearing me talk about it, but its just so exciting! Please stick with me for the long haul.

As promised, here is a Celebrity Caricature of the cast of How I Met Your Mother.  I watched all 6 seasons on Netflix in the period of three weeks.  I have no shame.  You’re Welcome


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